Welcome To LVC Company Limited

Meet your Explosives Requirements.

About Our Company

LVC Company Limited is a limited liability company, owned and managed by Tanzanians in the United Republic of Tanzania. LVC Company Limited deals with importation and selling of mining explosive products as a Sole Distributor of products manufactured and supplied...

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Our Mission

To enhance the availability of best explosive products; suitable to all weather blasting; being rainy and dry season, and the availability of assorted types of mining explosives, suitable to all types of miners being small miners and large-scale miners in East Africa

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Our Vision

To become a world class supplier of various types of Mining Explosives from world known explosive manufacturers and suppliers

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Our Services


We supply bulk emulsions designed for blasting in opencast mines, dependent on hole and rock characteristics and excellent water resistance. Our INNOVEX brand of bulk emulsions has become...

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Porous Granular Ammonium Nitrate (PGAN) is mainly designed for ANFO, heavy ANFO and emulsion applications. In application, PGAN will offer high quality, reliable and consistent blasting results

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We supply a range of initiating systems which consist of detonating cord connector clip attached to sealed end, with a marked color-coded label indicating the delay number and are available for various applications.

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LVC has a variety of manufactured equipment for surface and underground operations and is committed to R&D to find better and more cost-effective blasting solutions. To deliver our products efficiently and cost...

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